Feel like you’re at home while you’re here, but feel even better when you leave.


When we make time to work on our physical self, all other aspects of our lives improve.

 We believe that there is no greater gift in life than good health and in order to keep going, you need to keep moving. 

Learn more about our gym →

“I joined Caper Gym and Fitness and it was exactly what I needed to get moving and motivated. I’ve lost weight, feel great and have more energy than ever before.”
— Betty Ann


Encouraging people to commit to themselves.

Whether you are an exercise beginner or a seasoned athlete, you will find what you need to support your health and fitness goals.

Learn more about us →

86 MacLean Street
Inverness, Nova Scotia


Store/Office Hours

Monday–Friday 5pm-9pm

Sunday - closed

Gym available by keycode to members Monday-Friday 5am-9pm

Saturday and Sunday 5am-5pm

You can also stop in The Central Shop at 15844 Central Ave to purchase a pass and receive a code.

Monday - Saturday 10am-5pm.

Sunday 12pm-4pm